For the 2023 release of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem," Paramount Pictures launched an innovative ad campaign on Roblox, featuring an immersive trailer that drew users to a virtual pizza party.

The campaign also included a persistent experience with regular updates to keep users engaged. The immersive trailer attracted 1.7 million visits, and the persistent experience saw 5.2 million visits by November 2023. Additionally, 369,000 virtual items were redeemed, and the campaign garnered 16,000 favorites on Roblox.

Paramount's use of immersive trailers, portal ads, and virtual goods significantly boosted engagement and brand visibility, contributing to the hype around the movie. The campaign's success was evident in its off-platform impact as well, with significant media coverage and a related TMNT video game reportedly in development.

Takara Studios empowers brands to thrive in Roblox through expertly crafted virtual experiences and user-generated content. Unlock new levels of audience engagement and innovation and contact us today to explore possibilities and unlock the power of play for your brand.



